Monday 25 May 2009

Jonathan Edwards on Hypocrites and Prayer

I've just been reading through one of Jonathan Edward's (1703 - 1759) sermons with a young man. We talked about it briefly and prayed about it. We read "Hypocrites Deficient in the Duty of Prayer".

He has three points at the beginning
1. False Christians (hypocrites) call upon God for a time
2. After a while they stop private prayers
3. And he gives reasons why they do that

The reasons
1. False Christians never had the spirit of prayer given to them.
2. False Christians don't think they need anything from God
3. False Christians don't understand the force of God's commands for his people to watch and pray so that they will not fall into temptation
4. False Christians return to sinful practices which keep us from praying. Like Adam who hid from God when he knew he had done the wrong thing.
5. False Christians never counted the cost of perseverence.
6. False Christians don't value those kind means that God gives us to keep strong as Christians of which prayer is one of the most important.

If anyone wants to read through some Jonathan Edwards with me in a group at my church OR in an online discussion group - I would be count it a joy and a great honour and will make time for it.


Tim said...

*reflect on my own prayer life...*

*...and, cringe*

Unknown said...

Hey. Click on the link and give the sermon a read. It is good stuff. It's hard going because of the language - but worth reading out loud to get the full sense of it.

Naomi Bradshaw said...

Hey Andrew, if you do get a live group up & running on reading through the commentaries let me know. Would be interested to join.