Saturday 9 May 2009

The Saturday Church launch is only hours away

What are some things I'm looking forward to about Saturday Church? (in no particular order)
  1. Heading up a ministry that my family is a part of.
  2. Working with such a theological solid, yet highly entrepreneurial leadership team.
  3. Seeing men and women who would not normally go to church go to church.
  4. Seeing people try new things for the sake of Christ.
  5. Lifting up Christ and see him draw people to himself. I'm really looking forward to preaching today from Luke 15:1-10 about a welcoming God and a welcoming church.
  6. Having Sunday mornings with my family.
  7. Having more energy for Sunday Evening Church. Paradoxically (perhaps) I have been able to see things more clearly and have actually had more energy for people at Sunday night when I wasn't at church all day.
  8. Seeing God's people show acts of kindness to each other and express real hospitality after church.
  9. Already seeing Saturday Church to be a blessing to the other congregations.
  10. Seeing prayers answered.


Unknown said...

A great night. We had a thousand things that went against us ... but it went really well. Well done everyone who was involved.

For those into these things we had 99 adults and about 40 something kids. Lots of new people. Most said they'd be back. Early days still.

Mark said...

Excellent to hear Andrew. Praise God!

Unknown said...

Thanks Mark.

For the record, I think the numbers included the kids leaders.

Tracy said...

From Ruth's comments it sounds like this is going really well and a blessing. that's wonderful.